Equipment Kits

Skill kits are used by purveyors of a particular skill and contain tools and materials necessary for utilizing that skill.

Adventurer's PackIncludes basic adventuring supplies including: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint & Steel, Belt Pouch, 50 ft Hemp Rope w/ Grappling Hook, Waterskin, Whetstone, Heavy Blanket, a small Cooking Pot, and Plate & Utensils for one.29 lb.20 gp
Alchemist's EquipmentEquipment for mixing and creating alchemical substances. Alchemist Equipment is required for the creation of Alchemical products.variesvaries
Appraiser's KitMagnifying glass, merchant scales and weights. Grants a +4 item bonus to Mercantile checks used to appraise an item.1 lb.105 gp
Cartography KitParchment, 4 vials black ink, 4 vials colored ink, quills, and a map case. Grants a +4 item bonus to Cartography checks.1 lb.50 gp
Climber's KitThe basic kit includes a 50 ft hemp rope, 10 pitons, a grappling hook, and a hammer. This kit grants a +2 item bonus to Climb checks. Boot tips, gloves and a harness can be added to the kit for an additional 20 gp, granting an additional +2 item bonus to climb checks.15 lb.4 gp
Cooking KitTraveling pots and pans and common spices.10 lb.30 gp
Craftsman's ToolsBasic tools for a specialized craft of your choice.Varies*Varies*
Disguise KitA kit containing makeup, hair dye, and props for creating a disguise. This kit provides a +2 item bonus to Disguise checks.5 lb.30 gp
Healer's KitThe kit includes herbs, salves, and bandages for assisting in the healing of minor injuries and ailments. This kit provides a +2 item bonus to First Aid checks. The kit must be refilled after 5 uses (at 15 gp).1 lb.30 gp
Jeweler's KitThis kit includes a magnifying glass, balance, and fine tools for intricate work. This kit provides a +5 item bonus to Jeweler Craft Skill checks. This bonus applies to the creation of jewelry as well as the appraisal of jewelry and gems. 1 lb.100 gp
Thieve's ToolsThis kit includes picks and other tools used for opening locks and disabling or disarming traps or similar mechanisms. This kit provides a +2 item bonus to Locksmith, Traps, and Thievery checks made to disarm or disable traps and locks.1 lb.15 gp
Tinker's KitThis kit includes materials and tools for making and repairing every day common items. This kit provides a +2 item bonus to Tinker checks.1 lb.15 gp
Trap KitThis kit includes materials and tools for making simple trip wire, snare or similar traps. This kit grants a +2 item bonus to Traps checks when creating traps. This can also give a +2 item bonus to Hunting checks used to trap small game.3 lb.20 gp.
  • Weight and cost depend on the particular craft.