Force Bead

Force Bead
Rank: 4 (Potency [1d10 + 4])
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: A small, pearlescent black bead.
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Special Actions
Throw Bead
Standard Action [REC 6]
Effect: The bead strikes your target before expanding into a sphere of force to trap him. Make an attack:
Range: 30ft
Ranged Attack: Ranged vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is enclosed within a sphere of force 10ft in diameter. The sphere has 100 hitpoints and cannot be moved (from the inside or outside). The sphere blocks line of effect, similar to a wall. When the sphere has been reduced to 0 hitpoints it is destroyed and the effect ends. If the sphere is not destroyed within 1 phase the effect ends automatically.