Kata of Inner Warmth

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Kata of Inner Warmth
Advanced Qi Form [Meditation, Metaphysical]
Prerequisites: Qi Rank 4
Disciplines: Balance
Extended Action [While Resting]
Cost: 2 Resolve Burn
Duration: Until the beginning of your next rest or you are rendered Unconscious.
Effect: Gain Damage Reduction (5) to Cold and Necrotic damage.
Augment, Greater Kata
[Qi Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 7, 9, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Qi Rank.
Effect: Increase the Damage Reduction granted to Cold and Necrotic damage by 5.
Master Augment, Warmth Eternal
[Qi Rank 6]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: In addition to Damage Reduction, you now gain Resistance to Cold and Necrotic damage.