Tao of the Snake

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Tao of the Snake
Advanced Qi Form [Tao]
Prerequisites: Qi Rank 5
Disciplines: Yin
No Action
Effect: Your limbs become more malleable, but the muscles twitch with energy as you filter Qi through them. You may use the following modifiers with your Qi Strike:
Springing [Opener]
Cost: REC +1
Effect: You suddenly burst forward a surprising distance towards your enemy. Before the attack you may move your Shift speed, with a +5ft bonus to your movement.

Hypnotic [Transformation]
Effect: Your eyes lock with your opponent's as your blow is delivered, assaulting their mind with a hypnotizing wave. Change the attack to Unarmed vs Will. The damage dealt is Psychic damage.

Snake [Heart, Poison]
Effect: Your Qi becomes tainted as venom seeps into your victim's body. If your attack hits, the target also takes [2 x Qi Rank] Necrotic damage.

Fang [Finisher]
Cost: 1 Stamina
Effect: Your fingers form into a fine point by placing your thumb against your fingers, resembling fangs. Change the damage type to Piercing and increase the damage by 1 WD damage.