Dwarven Waraxe

Dwarven Waraxes were built for use by a sturdier folk, namely dwarves. They are heavier than most axes, hit harder and move a bit slower, although most would argue the power makes up for its shortcomings. The blade of a Dwarven Waraxe is typically thick and large, and the backside is often lined with smaller metal blades as an extra chopping tool.

  • Group: Axe
  • Sub-group:
NameRankSpd.Prec.Dmg. DiceDmg. Mult.ArN
Base Crit. Chance
Crit. Dmg. per Phys Rank
PropertiesSub-GroupDmg. TypeCostWt.Rarity
Dwarven Waraxe3821d121215%3Unblockable-C30 gp9 lbRare