Mining Automaton

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Automaton Characteristics

Automatons come in various shapes, forms, materials and methods of construction, all dependent on the skill sets of their creator, although in almost all cases, some magical influence is to be found. A common practice is to construct a frame underneath a molded suit of armor, giving the creature the appearance of a warrior of sorts, only with glowing eyes and an unnatural gait. These servants are typically mindless, and are do the bidding of those who created them, while others will follow a simple preset list of instructions until destroyed or told otherwise. Most Automatons have a focal source of power that resides within their frame, typically a self-renewing orb of Eldritch energy. Some creators seek to hide the source to mask the nature of the creature, while others choose to display it along the body for effect.


Automatons have little history of their own save their association with those that created them. They are most commonly seen in history records as guardians or soldiers to one individual's cause or another, or as tireless servants to magically affluent areas, but most Automatons do not have their own legacies. One exception to the rule is an Automaton that was given the gift of intelligence by its creator, a wizard who sought to have an heir of his own that would do exactly as it was told. This Automaton, rather than follow its master's instructions, took to the path of warfare and slew its creator. After freeing itself it became a powerful mercenary, combining its cold logic and magical properties to turn itself into an efficient killing machine, which garnered it something of a following among its peers. It was last seen entering an ancient temple far to the east, rumored to hold an intangible power source that could only be controlled by a resilient inanimate vessel of unique qualities.


Automatons have no culture of their own except for the manner in which they were constructed. These creations are usually made up of materials from local areas, so their appearance may denote the heritage of the environment in which they originated, but this would be the only nod to any sort of culture found in an automaton.