How to Read a Power

Powers represent special moves and abilities that your character possesses, but they contain a lot of different components that can be difficult to understand. Outlined below are all the different components that may be present within a power described in detail. Some aspects will be present on every power, while others will only apply to a selection of powers.

Caliber & Type: The first line of a power, under the name, indicates the Caliber of the power and the type. There are four caliber's for powers: Basic, Advanced, Legendary, and Ultimate. The power type indicates which philosophy the power is from, such as Eldritch Spells from the Eldritch Philosophy or Martial Techniques from the Martial Philosophy.
Keywords: Keywords are listed within the brackets to the right of the Caliber and Type of power. Keywords identify a power as being part of a particular group of powers. You may gain abilities that enhance powers with a particular keyword or another creature may have resistance or immunity to effects with a particular keyword. A full list of keywords are available here.
Prerequisites: This indicates any conditions that must be met before a character can take this power. Prerequisites usually include philosophy rank, but can also include mental and physical rank, class, race, skill ranks and feats.
Disciplines: This indicate which discipline(s) a power belongs to. The discipline line will only be present in class powers, as the Mental and Physical philosophies are not broken up into disciplines.
Potency: Potency is present only on Magical abilities and it used for power versus power interactions. The potency of a power is rolled when an interaction takes place, with the potency of the power equalling the sum of the die roll and your philosophy rank. The size of the die roll is dependent on the power being utilized (typically scaling with Caliber).
Action Type: The action type is indicated in bold and represents the type of action required to utilize the power. See Action Types for information on the different action types.
Time: The time required for the power will be listed within brackets to the right of the Action Type. Casting Times (present in Cast Actions) are indicated with a CT followed by the number of segments required to cast the power. Focus Times (present in Focus Actions) are displayed similarly, except they are indicated with an FT. Recovery Times are indicated with a REC followed by a number of segments required to recover from using the power. Weapon Attack Powers will have a Recovery Time dependent on the Speed of your Weapon, either having a Recovery Time equal to the Weapon Speed (displayed as [REC Weapon Speed]) or add a few segments to your Weapon Speed (displayed [REC Weapon Speed + 2], etc). Most Immediate, Interruptive, Reactive, and Free Actions will have no time associated with them.
Components: Present only for Cast Action powers, components indicate whether Verbal (V), Somatic (S), or Material (M) components are required to cast the power. When a material component is required, the specific component and cost will be indicated inside brackets adjacent components list. Some Divine Prayers require a Divine Focus (DF), which usually takes the form of a Holy Symbol carried by Divine casters. See Casting Components for more details.
Cost: This indicates any energy costs required to utilize the power. Power costs can be in terms of Stamina or Resolve Spend, Stamina or Resolve Burn, Karma, or any combination. See Energy for more information.
Limitation: Some powers have a limitation on the frequency at which they can be used. Usually this takes the form of a limitation per combat or alternatively limits the number of times an ability may be used on a particular creature.
Duration: Duration indicates the amount of time that a power remains in effect. Durations are often measured in rounds, but can also be measured in phases, hours, or rarely days. For a duration measured in rounds, the effect lasts for a number of full rounds equal to the duration of the power, (typically the user gains an additional "partial round" for the first round the power is activated). Occasionally, a power will have a duration of Concentration, indicating that the power will remain as long as you continue to concentrate on it (see Concentration for more information). If the effects of a power are instantaneous, the duration line will be absent from the power.
Upkeep: This indicates that a power with a duration may be upkept to extend the duration of the power without having to recast it. The Upkeep line will specify the energy cost required to upkeep the ability as well as the amount of time the duration is extended by, usually in rounds.
Trigger: Some powers (specifically Reactive, Interruptive, and some Free Actions) have a trigger that indicates a condition that must be met in order for the power to be utilized. Powers with a Trigger always occur in response to a specific condition and often occur on other creature's turns (but can sometimes occur on your turn). On powers where an attack is triggered, the Trigger may be listed under the attack line of the power.
Requirement: Some powers have special circumstances required for their use. This could include specific equipment that must be utilized, such as requiring a shield or piercing weapon. Alternatively, the requirement may be a specific condition needed to use the power, such as having Advantage on your opponent, or requiring the opponent to be Prone. Requirements differ from prerequisites in that requirements specify a condition that must be met to use the power, while prerequisites specify qualifications needed to take the power.
Requirement, Wielding a Weapon: When a requirement specifies that a certain kind of weapon must be wielded, that weapon must be used with the power. For example, if a power has a requirement of wielding a blade and a character is holding a mace in the main-hand and a dagger in the off-hand, the attack must be with the dagger (which qualifies) and not the mace (which doesn't qualify).
Range: The range indicates the maximum distance from the user that the power can affect. For powers that affect individual targets, the is the maximum distance a target may be away from the user. For powers that affect an area, this is the maximum distance for the center or origin of an area. If the power requires an attack, the range is typically listed after the effect in the attack section.
Area: For powers that affect an area (or targets in an area), this indicates the shape and size of the area. For more information on types of areas see Areas of Effect. If the power requires an attack, the area is typically listed after the effect in the attack section.
Target: This indicates who or what may be targeted by the power. This includes the number of targets (if limited) and the type of creatures or objects that may be target (if limited, i.e. Humanoid, Living, Undead, etc). If the power requires an attack, the target is typically listed after the effect in the attack section.
Effect: The effect line describes what a power does and what its effects are. If the power requires an attack, it will indicate so here. Some powers have multiple effects (listed as Primary Effect, Secondary Effect, etc). For a power with multiple effects, each effect occurs in order regardless of the result of the prior effect(s). For example, if the Primary Effect requires an attack, the Secondary Effect will occur regardless of whether the attack hit or missed.
Provoke (P): Some Ranged Powers Provoke an opportunity from Melee opponents. If a power provokes an opportunity when it is used, this is indicated by a "P" next to the Effect line of the power (or next to the Attack line for abilities that require an attack). This opportunity is granted as the attack is being made, allowing Opportunity Attacks to occur before the effects of the Provoking power are realized. See Opportunity for more information.
Attack: For powers with an attack, this indicates what Attack Score is used to make the attack and what Defense Score is used to defend against the attack. For Weapon Attacks, the attack line will typically say "Weapon vs AC," indicating that the Attack Roll is based on the weapon. Alternatively, for Eldritch Spells, the attack line will say "Arcana vs Reflex" (or some other defense), indicating that the Arcana score is used to make the attack roll against that defense. Physical attacks will be written as "Melee vs Touch" (or other defense), indicating that you utilize your Base Melee Attack. Grapple powers will require an Opposed Grapple Check and be written as "Grapple vs Grapple." The attack line is typically preceded by the Range, Area (if applicable), and Target lines.
Hit: For powers with an attack, the Hit line indicates the effect to a target that is hit with the attack. This typically includes damage, the imposition of Status Effects, and most other effects.
Miss: Some powers have an effect when a target is Missed by an attack, indicated by a Miss line in the attack section. Miss effects typically include reduced damage and/or diminished status effects. If there is no effect on a miss, this line is absent in the power.
Opposing: Only present on a small selection of powers, the Opposing line indicates any power to power interaction that changes the effect of a power. This is only applicable in a small selection of abilities.
Special: This indicates any special conditions that change the function of the power. Usually this indicates that a power will function in either an enhanced or diminished capacity based on specific circumstances.

How to Read a Power Augment

In addition to the base function of the power, most powers also include Augments that enhance those functions. The Augments can include increased damage, increased areas of effect, increased range, or otherwise changing the power. When utilizing a power, you can utilize as many augments as you like (unless otherwise indicated), provided you meet the prerequisites to use them and can pay the increased costs of the augment (if applicable).

Augments and Master Augments: This indicates whether or not an augment may be utilized by a character who uses Power Memorizations. An Augment may be used for both Memorized and Mastered Powers, while a Master Augment may only be used for Mastered Powers. Power Memorization is only available to select classes (i.e. Wizards and Clerics) and more information can be found on the Class Powers page. Unless you are one of these classes that uses power memorization, all of your powers are Mastered and you may therefore use all Master Augments.
Prerequisites: This indicates the minimum requirements necessary to utilize an augment and are listed within brackets underneath the augment name. This usually consists of a Philosophy Rank requirement, but may also include Skill Ranks, Feats, or other prerequisites.
Keywords: This indicates any keywords specific to the augment (and separate from those applicable to the power as a whole). One common augment keyword is "Stacking," which indicates that an augment can be used multiple times. The Stacking Keyword is followed by the Stacking line in the power.
Stacking: The Stacking line (present in augments with the stacking keyword) indicates how often and at which Philosophy Ranks an augment may be used. For example, if an augment says "Stacking [Rank 4, 6, 8, etc]", it means that it can be used starting at Rank 4 and then again at Rank 6, Rank 8, Rank 10, etc. The number of times you may utilize the augment depends on your current Rank.
Requirements: This indicates any special conditions that must be in effect before an augment can be used. Usually this indicates that another augment must also be used or that the target must be subject to a particular condition.
Cost: This indicates any increased Time or Energy cost required to use the augment. This cost must be added to the original cost of the power (unless otherwise specified). If using multiple augments with a cost, all augments must be paid for cumulatively. If using a Stacking augment multiple times, you must pay for the cost of the augment each time you utilize it (if any).
Effect: Typically, this is an additional effect granted by the augment and is added to the original effect of the power. Occasionally, this will instead change the original effect of the power as specified. Sometimes an augment may grant an attack, in which case the Range, Area (if any), Target, and Attack line will be present beneath the augment's effect.
Special: This indicates any special conditions that change the augment's effect. This usually refers to an enhanced or diminished effect in certain circumstances or indicates when an augment cannot be used in conjunction with another augment.