
Cleric Class Traits
Exp Rating: 3
Base Hitpoints: WIS/3
Level Hitpoints: 6 per level
Primary Attributes: Wisdom, Strength, Charisma
Stamina: 2
Resolve: 2
Primary Class Philosophy: Divine Philosophy
Philosophy Training:
  • Rank 2 in Divine
  • 1 additional rank to be spent in Divine, Physical, or Mental
Skills Training
Class Favored Skills:
Starting Skill Points:
  • 32 points to be spent in the above Class Skills. These points cannot be used to raise a skill above Rank 3.
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiency: Proficient in all Rank 1 weapons and Rank 2 Flails, Hammers, Maces, & Staffs
Armor Proficiency: All Rank 5 armors and less
Shield Proficiency: All Rank 2 shields and less
"I pledge my life to yours, great one. I seek no glory, title or personal gain other than what might help me to carry out your will, in this world and the next."
——A commonly expressed Cleric's Oath

The Divine Path

Many people believe that great strength is acquired by faith and devotion, and for such individuals, the garments of a holy man suit them well. Physical strength of limb, catlike reflexes and great intelligence are not necessary to be a member of a religious order, only the willpower to test one's conviction against the trials of the mortal and spiritual realms simultaneously. To succeed on this course is to gain great wisdom and power under a divine inspiration, whether it be dedicating oneself to a great deity or to a spiritual ideal. Regardless, the cleric is one of the few adventuring professions with access to healing powers, an ability that is coveted by many. Divine influence is far beyond the reach of those unwilling to surrender themselves to a purpose or cause greater than themselves, and so other classes often find themselves wishing to employ the services of a Cleric.


Most adventuring clerics are fortunate enough to have the backing of their church, meaning they are generally well equipped and supported by peers in their area when beginning their careers. A Cleric who sets out to explore the world is expected to spread their faith to those who will listen, and deal with any opposition to their deity's cause, be it holy or unholy. As representatives of their church, they serve as a powerful beacon and example of the principles for which their chosen divine inspiration stands. Priests who compromise their ideals in exchange for vice or avarice can quickly find themselves without the aid of their brethren and their divine patrons.

These men and women of faith tend to be highly sought after by other adventuring parties, excluding those with a distrust for the gods. In some cases, even the wary are willing to put up with some occasional preaching and tithing in exchange for a well timed healing spell, so Clerics hiring themselves out to a worthy cause rarely find themselves without work for long. A Cleric who spends a great amount of time outside of their church walls can expect to have their faith and ideals tested numerous times. However, if they succeed in overcoming these trials, they grow in ways that seem beyond the reaches of most mortal men, potentially ascending to rival the very beings they serve .

History and Culture

Clerics have existed in one form or another since the mortal races were first capable of recognizing the divine presence. Those particularly receptive to their elusive (and sometimes confusing) doctrines found themselves opened to the mysteries of creation in due time. After the power of holy (or unholy) power became accessible to humanoids, the allure of a greater understanding has drawn in countless mortals to the eternal struggle between gods and mortals.

Since their inception, religious orders have had a profound impact in shaping the planet; most societies tend to have some sort of religious influence in their community, generally one that shares similar beliefs to their own. Religion has also involved itself in a great many violent deeds over the centuries, sometimes as defenders, others as instigators. The record of blood has led many scholars in more liberated areas to speculate on whether the divine presence has done more harm for the mortal races than good.


The disposition of a cleric is extremely important to them; their sense of morality often becoming the lifeline which ties them to the divine powers they serve. Just like mortals, deities of all different alignments and strength exist: some powerful, others weaker, but all have incredible gifts they are willing to grant to devout subjects. Should a cleric stray too far from their god's will, they might very well lose their connection until they atone, or suffer a worse fate as penance, depending on the nature of their god.

A cleric can choose to be good or evil, chaotic or lawful, or even serve the cause of neutrality, a stoic observer to the chessboard of existence. Goodly clerics tend to have access to healing powers, whereas evil clerics tend to gather negative, hurtful energies from their gods. In congruence, many powerful goodly clerics have a propensity to align themselves with angels, good-natured beasts and other divine servants. Conversely, evil clerics often favor darker powers such as demons, undead, and maliciously willed mortal races.

Class Features

♦ Divine Devotion1st Level
You utilize abilities granted through prayers offered up to your deity from the Divine Philosophy. Use Wisdom to determine your Devotion and Divine Might when casting Divine Prayers. If you gain Divine Devotion from a different class feature, and that feature uses a different attribute, you may choose which attribute to use.
Devotion = WisA + Casting Combat Training + LVLM + Misc. Bonuses
Divine Might = WisP + Misc. Bonuses
♦ Divine Focus1st Level
Many of your prayers require the use of a Divine Focus. You gain a Divine Focus for free that is appropriate for your Deity and alignment disposition.
♦ Orison Masteries1st Level
You master 3 Orisons from your disciplines.
♦ Orison Memorizations1st Level
You gain 2 Orisons memorization slots. After taking an extended rest, you pray to your deity to grant you the use of any two orisons from your disciplines. You may change the two orisons the next time that you pray after an extended rest.
♦ Divine Spheres1st Level
You pick two Divine Spheres from your Deity’s Sphere List (you must meet any prerequisites of the sphere). You gain access to the Base Benefits of the Sphere, which include a Basic Divine Prayer and a Sphere Prayer (and occasionally an additional benefit). Basic Prayers gained from Spheres are considered to be Mastered Powers and you may learn this prayer even if you don't meet the prerequisites (but you must still meet prerequisites to use augments). Additionally, any powers gained from your Divine Spheres are not subject to Increased Costs, even if it is outside your chosen Disciplines. You gain access to the Sphere's shells when you reach the prerequisite Divine Rank. If you switch your faith to a different deity, you may lose access to these spheres and gain access to new spheres (GM's discretion).
♦ Religious Arts1st Level
You gain access to the Religious Arts skill.
♦ Divine Prayer Memorizations1st, 6th, 14th, and 22nd Levels
You gain memorization slots that can be used to memorize any prayer from your chosen disciplines. To memorize a prayer, you must complete an extended rest, and then spend 10 minutes studying from religious texts and praying to your deity. The texts do not contain specific prayers, but instead contain various scriptures appropriate to your faith. Afterward, your deity grants you the powers that you request. The memorization slots you gain are based on your level:
  • You gain a basic prayer memorization at level 1
  • You gain an advanced prayer memorization at level 6
  • You gain a legendary prayer memorization at level 14
  • You gain an ultimate prayer memorization at level 22
♦ Bonus Divine PrayersMultiple levels starting at 3rd.
You Master additional prayers from your chosen disciplines based on your level:
♦ Divine Aura10th Level
The power of your faith always radiates from you; you are easily detectable by powers that sense magical auras. You emanate an aura of divine magic that is shaded appropriately by your alignment. If you are unaligned, you radiate a general aura of divine magic. The strength of the aura is equal to your rank in the divine philosophy.

Combat Training

Combat Training by Level
  • 1st level, one point in Fortitude and one point in Will.
  • 2nd level, one point in Casting and one point in Melee Weapon Attacks.
  • 3rd level, one point in Parry and one point in your choice of the following: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will.
  • 5th level, one point in your choice of the following: Casting, Melee Weapon Attacks, Ranged Weapon Attacks, or Parry.
  • 6th level, one point in Fortitude.
  • 7th level, one point in your choice of the following: Casting, Melee Weapon Attacks, Ranged Weapon Attacks, or Parry.
  • 9th level, one point in your choice of the following: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will.
  • 10th level, one point in Will and one point in your choice of the following: Casting, Melee Weapon Attacks, Ranged Weapon Attacks, or Parry.
  • 11th level, one point in your choice of the following: Casting, Melee Weapon Attacks, Ranged Weapon Attacks, or Parry.

Cleric Specialties

When your character earns a Class Specialty, you may choose one from the following list.

♦ Deific Whispers
You gain a +2 bonus to Awareness and Intuition and a +2 bonus to all Academics Skill checks that you have at least one rank in. Additionally, a number of times per day equal to [1/2 x Divine Rank], you may use the Augury Ritual as an Immediate Action with no cost (i.e. no energy, components, or focus required).
♦ Divine Combatant
You gain Weapon Proficiency in a weapon of your choice as a bonus feat. Additionally, you are considered to have a Martial Rank equal to your [Divine Rank - 2] for the purposes of meeting prerequisites for Feats. This does not grant the martial philosophy nor does it entitle the character to powers that require the martial keyword prerequisite.
♦ Divine Energy Reserve
You gain an extra reserve of energy that replenishes after each Short Rest without needing to burn energy for its restoration. You may spend this energy in place of Stamina or Resolve cost for Divine Prayers. The amount of Energy in your reserve is equal to your Divine Rank. This reserve cannot be used for Burn costs.
♦ Divine Protection
You gain Resistance to all Alignment based damage (i.e. Holy, Vile, Entropic, and Entaxic).
♦ Divine Ritualist
You gain an extra reserve of Energy that may be used to pay Energy Burn or Allocation costs of rituals. The amount of energy in your reserve is equal to your Divine Rank. This reserve replenishes whenever you take an extended rest, but allocated energy from the pool remains allocated until deallocated (as normal).
♦ Extra Sphere
Gain one additional Divine Sphere from your Deity’s list.
♦ Prayer Versatility
You gain one extra Divine Prayer memorization at each tier for which you qualify. You must still meet the prerequisites to cast the memorized prayer.
♦ Zealotry
Whenever you suffer Morale damage, reduce the Morale damage you suffer by 1 (min. 0). Additionally, at the end of a short rest you may recover all your morale damage by burning one Resolve (instead of one resolve burn per morale point recovered).