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I saw it crawling around my little girls ceiling. Thought it was a huge spider at first.....then it looked at me with that horrid face! Its head turned down at me what should have killed it, but it was just fine, dripping blood all over the linens. I'm glad my girl didn't wake up until I snatched her out of that bed, she would have been ruined in her head for the rest of her days. I've never quite recovered, myself. -Betty Pokerton, concerned mother of three


The Gorewalk is the brute type of this class of undead. It uses its over engorged muscles to pummel its terrified victims into a pulpy mess. They favor the darkness and always seem to emerge from places of foreboding and shadow, or perhaps it is their energy creates these patches of cold sorrow in the first place. In any case, a Gorewalk prefers to catch its victims by ensnaring them with its horrific approach. While they are devastated by its fearful presence, it claws and bites and consumes its victims' warm, living flesh.


These creatures are a terrifying vision of the macabre and to gaze upon one is to know the foulest mechanisms that drive undead abominations. They appear as humans with missing skin, their muscles pulsing and bulging with blood, wrapped in hideous implements of torture that pierce the skin, but seemingly cause no harm to them. Instead, it amplifies their horrific appearance, exposing the inner workings of a mortal body but perverted into a disgusting form of gored undead flesh, grinning all the while as they writhe in agony.


These monstrosities are often the subject of children's nightmares and scary bedtime stories, but these tales did not arise from pure fiction. Legend speaks of two young brothers, one strong, hearty and proud. The other, weak, sickly and craven. They were despised by other children for their unnatural behaviors, namely enjoying acts of cruelty. It started with the killing of small animals, then neighbor's pets started disappearing. The other children tried to tell their parents, but they were ignored, because the brothers always behaved when around adults, and almost seemed to know when others were watching. Then one day, a particularly brave little girl who had been known for standing up to their acts of cruelty mysteriously vanished. While the parents searched in vain, the children of the small village took it upon themselves to solve the problem. They ambushed the brothers and overwhelmed them, dragging them into a cave several miles from the town, beating them half to death with rocks and leaving them there. Undead wear rumored to frequent that cave, and when the two boys never came back, the children assumed the matter settled. Three months later, the entire village was consumed by a pack of ravenous undead, except for the group of children who had banded together. They were dragged off to the caves in a large bloody sack by two peculiar fleshy, undead beasts. The large, strong one with pulsating, bloody muscles carried them over his barbed shoulder, while the smaller, gaunt and sickly one grinned wickedly, poking at them with his bony hands.


These creatures have no known culture of any particular type, as they are only seen when attacking, and never choose to explain their actions, instead attacking anything they can find that has a pulse. They seem to favor children as victims, perhaps because they are easier to terrify than adults.