Deathblade Poison

Deathblade Poison
Poison Rank 8
Value: 2,000 gp
Delivery: Contact
Effect: The target is suffers ongoing Necrotic damage equal to its Healing Value every 5 segments [SE, ST 5d10 vs CON].

Creation: The fluoroantimonic acid, Mozambique Spitting Cobra venom, Crotalus adamanteus venom, Black Mamba venom, Russel Viper venom, Naja haje venom, Shadowleaf and glycerin are added to a thick glass lined cauldron. The glycerin gives the acid and venoms a thickness so that it can be coated on a blade or arrow. Since all of the venoms used are highly toxic extreme caution must be used in the creation of this poison.
Components: fluoroantimonic acid, Mozambique Spitting Cobra venom, Crotalus adamanteus venom, Black Mamba venom, Russel Viper venom, Naja haje venom, Shadowleaf and glycerin
"Ah yes, there it is, that predictable concerned expression. You understand something is horribly wrong, but you're not sure what. The pain is beginning to mount and you fear it will grow unbearable. In this case I believe your imagination will not give my concoction its due."
——Vikter Blaksin, Assassin


Deathblade Poison is a corrosive venom that appears as an unusual swirling mixture of black with an ephemeral blue sheen glistening off the top of the liquid. Handling the poison is extremely dangerous, as it need only make contact with the skin to begin working. Once it does, the poison rapidly spreads, the necrotic chemical eating away at any living matter it comes into contact with, rendering flesh inert slowly eroding it. A single drop can kill animals as large as Elephants, if nothing is done within the next several minutes. To a humanoid, contact with the poison usually means death in just under a minute.


Deathblade Poison is not a naturally occurring chemical. It is created by the blending of several common snake venom, mixed with a necroplant known as Shadowleaf. While not dangerous by itself, when combined with other toxic chemicals, its latent properties enhance poison with an aggressive additive that eats away at living flesh. This poison is heavily favored among assassins and unscrupulous rogues for its ability to effectively finish off an opponent after a single strike, allowing for a quick escape. Unsurprisingly, Deathblade Poison is illegal in most civilized societies, and must be purchased in underground Black Markets.