Night Glory Extract
The Night Glory Flower has 4 large blue-white petals that remain closed during the day. As the moon begins to rise, the petals slowly open, reaching full bloom once the sun has completely disappeared from sight. The fluid extracted from the flower appears as a dark purple liquid, which is then mixed with flour or fine saw dust. If it is delivered by contact with an open wound or eventually by ingesting it, slipping into the bloodstream of a victim. Once this occurs, the target will feel a not unpleasant euphoria similar to the experience of waking up after a pleasant dream. While not inherently dangerous, the affects of this plant are disorienting, opening up the affected to abilities that target the mind.
This Poison is highly sought after by both adventurers and bored nobility, and is therefore very expensive. Adventurers prefer it for it's debilitating effects against enemies, and the latter prefer it for the same properties, but for personal recreation. A request for Night Glory extract is usually met with a skeptical eyebrow, as the frequent abuse of this chemical has led to the fathering of a great many bastards among the royal courts.