Adventure Hooks
Adventure Hooks are story ideas or concepts that are used to get one or more of the Player Characters (PCs) started on the path of an adventure. As each PC has a different personality and motivation, you may need more than one hook to appeal to all members of an adventuring party. For example, some characters are altruistically motivated, and will easily agree to any quest in which they are helping people or completing a task for the greater good. Other characters are monetarily motivated, needing to have something of value offered to them in exchange for their services or have the quest offer something of value in and of itself (promise of treasure to be had or exotic items to find). Still other characters may be motivated by a personal vendetta, the thrill of the adventure, or a sense of obligation. See the samples below for inspiration.
When Beginning your Adventure, it helps to have an idea of each character's motivation in order to determine which hooks may work best for them. Their background and personality can also help to determine which Adventure Hooks most appeal to their character. Try to have a few Adventure Hooks prepared, that way you have the best opportunity to engage each Player's interest.
- A reward (money, fame, position of authority, rare item, etc) is being offered.
- The PCs answer a "help wanted" ad or are hired to complete the task.
- The PCs encounter something suspicious (i.e. a crime in process, a recent murder, an abandoned wagon, a burning farmhouse, etc).
- The quest is part of a contest for renown, honor, or glory.
- There are rumors of interesting and ancient relics or treasure.