Blood Loss

Certain injuries and effects can cause significant loss of blood (or similar vital fluid). When you suffer Blood Loss, increase your current level of Blood Loss by the amount specified. The effects of blood loss are given in the following table and persist as long as that level of blood loss is maintained:

Effects of Blood Loss
0-2No appreciable Effect
7+ Dead

Special: Creatures that do not have blood or other vital fluids are immune to Blood Loss.

Ongoing Blood Loss

Ongoing Blood Loss effects work the same way as Ongoing Damage, with blood loss occurring immediately if the initial save is failed.

Healing Blood Loss

In addition to the effects of certain magical abilities, Blood Loss can be reduced by resting. After taking a long rest, make a resilience check [DC 15]. If you succeed the check reduce your blood loss by one step. Failure indicates that your blood loss level does not decrease. When blood loss is reduced to less than 1, the condition is removed.

Regeneration: Creatures with Regeneration remove 1 level of Blood Loss every phase.


Dirkus takes a Nicked Artery injury, causing Blood Loss (2) every 10 segments. He fails his initial saving throw and increases his level of Blood Loss by 2. This is the first blood loss that Dirkus has taken, so his Blood Loss level is now 2, and he suffers no appreciable effect. An additional 10 segments pass, without a successful save, and he takes two more points of Blood loss, Increasing his level to 4 (and becoming tired). Shortly thereafter, Dirkus saves against the Ongoing Blood Loss and is no longer in danger of increasing his level of Blood Loss. Later that day, Dirkus is surprised by a Vampire who attacks him and deals Blood loss(1) in addition to damage. Dirkus's Blood loss level is now 5, and he falls unconscious. If Dirkus takes much more Blood Loss he is at risk of dying. Thankfully Dirkus's fellows drive the vampire off and escape without suffering any more Blood Loss.

While unconscious, Dirkus takes a long rest. At the end of the rest he makes a Resilience check to remove Blood Loss. His result is a 17, so he lowers his blood loss level from 5 to 4. Dirkus awakens, though he is still tired, and may decide to rest for another day or two before continuing his adventures.