Bludgeoning Damage

"Take one step closer, and your first lesson is free."
——Shu Tsao, famed mountain monk addressing a gang of highwaymen

Bludgeoning refers to any type of damage that can be brought on by being struck with a dull force. Common sources include clubs, maces and rocks. Uncommon sources might be falling boulders, telekinetic magic or simply being thrown against a hard surface.

Bludgeoning Injuries

Random Bludgeoning Injuries
Roll 2d6 Moderate Severe Critical Lethal
2 Nerve Shock Ruptured Disc Broken Neck Crushed Neck
3 Bloodied Nose Busted Nose Shattered Nose Crushed Skull
4 Concussion Severe Concussion Skull Fracture Crushed Skull
5 Gashed Scalp Internal Bleeding Crushed Viscera Ruptured Heart
6 Bruised Ribs Cracked Rib Broken Ribs Punctured Lung
7 Gnarly Bruise Deep Contusion Massive Hematoma Crushed Sternum
8 Leg Facture Broken Leg Shattered Leg Shattered Spine
9 Arm Fracture Broken Arm Shattered Arm Crushed Sternum
10 Black Eye Broken Jaw Disfigured Crushed Skull
11 Bruised Throat Fractured Larynx Broken Windpipe Crushed Neck
12 Swollen Eye Orbital Fracture Ruptured Eye Crushed Skull