Carrying Capacity
Your strength determines the amount of weight that you can carry. Most creatures will carry a medium load or less to avoid penalties to movement, but some circumstances (such as a difficult climb) may require you to carry a light load. To determine the load weight (in pounds) for your character, use the following equations for a medium sized creature.
When you carry too much weight, your character becomes encumbered. This maximum weight that you can carry without hindrance is known as Encumbrance and is equal to your character's Medium Load (determined above).
- More than Medium Load: Increase the Recovery Time of all actions by 2 [REC +2]. If wearing medium armor for which the wearer is not proficient, suffer penalty as if carrying a Medium Load.
- More than Heavy Load: Increase the Recovery Time of all actions by 5 [REC +5]. If wearing heavy armor for which the wearer is not proficient, suffer penalty as if carrying
a Heavy Load.