
During the game, dice often help determine the outcome of the story as it unfolds. You will need one or more sets of Polyhedral dice, which consist of a twenty-sided die (d20), a twelve-sided die (d12), two ten-sided die (d10), an eight-sided die (d8), a six-sided die (d6), and a four-sided die (d4). Often one of the ten-sided die is labeled with denominations of 10 (i.e. 00, 10, 20, 30, etc), so that the two ten-sided dice rolled together can be added to represent a 100-sided die (d100). Polyhedral dice can be found at many game stores and online retailers.

Die Shorthand

Dice are described shorthand, as above, with the number after the "d" denoting the size of the die to be rolled. If a number is present in front of the "d", that represents the number of dice of that size that should be rolled. For example, 5d10 represents a roll of 5 ten-sided dice. The dice are then added together to give you a final result.

Making a Percentile Roll

Occasionally you will be asked to roll a percentile die, also known as a d100. Unless you have a d100, roll 2d10 indicating which die will serve as the 'tens' place and which die will serve as the 'ones' place. For example, if you roll a 4 on the first d10 and a 9 on the second d10, your result will be 49. If you roll two zeros, this signifies 100. Many polyhedral die sets come with a d10 that is already marked for this purpose (as described above). In this case, if you roll double zero (00) and zero on the two dice, this signifies 100. Alternatively, if you roll a double zero and another number, that signifies a single digit number (i.e. A roll of 00 and 5 indicates a result of 5).