
You are under the control of another creature and must act how it wishes. You are subject to the following effects:

  • You are under control of another creature, who chooses your actions on each turn.
  • You cannot be commanded to take any actions that have an energy or karma cost.
  • If the domination effect has a Save Ends (SE) quality, you may use the Recovery Action as a Free Action (with no recovery time) after each turn.

The controlling creature must have Line of Perception in order to issue you a command, but language barriers, deafness, and similar impediments do not stop it from commanding you. If the creature cannot command you for some reason, then you may choose your own actions normally. All domination effects have a range and if you are separated from the controlling creature by a distance greater than that range, the domination effect ends immediately.

Note: You may be commanded into dangerous situations, but not forced to do something obviously suicidal (such as jumping off a cliff). This does not prevent you from going into a situation that may result in your death, such as being forced to fight a powerful dragon.

Commands may be straightforward and precise, such as, "Wield your sword to attack the dragon with your defensive strike power!" or they may be more general and possibly subject to interpretation, such as "attack the dragon." If a command is not unequivocal, then you must follow the command in the most effective way you can.

Commanding a dominated creature is a free action.