
Your body is strained and weary. When you suffer Fatigue, increase your level of Fatigue by the amount specified. The effects of Fatigue are given in the following table:

Effects of Fatigue
7+ Death

Special: Creatures that do not sleep or rest are immune to Fatigue.

Ongoing Fatigue

Ongoing Fatigue effects work the same way as Ongoing Damage, with fatigue occurring immediately if the initial save is failed.

Removing Fatigue

In addition to the effects of certain magical abilities, Fatigue can be reduced by resting. After taking an extended rest, make a resilience check [DC 10]. If you succeed the check, reduce your Fatigue by one step and repeat the check (do this until you fail or have removed all Fatigue). Failure indicates that your fatigue level does not decrease. When fatigue is reduced to less than 1, the condition is removed.