You become frightened of a creature or situation and are compelled to move away and escape until you can no longer perceive the source of the effect. You move away via the safest means possible, not incurring attacks of opportunity, moving behind cover or hiding when you can. You are subject to the following effects:
- On your turn you must move away from the source of the fear as far as you can, via the safest means possible (i.e. shifting to avoid attacks of opportunity, or moving behind partial cover). You must move in this way until you break line of perception with the source. If the effect is Save Ends (SE), you may use the Recovery Action as a Free Action (with no recovery time) after each movement/turn.
- Once safely out-of-sight of the object of fear, you may take actions as normal, but no longer gain free saving throws.
- If the object of fear reenters your line-of-sight, you once against must move to lose sight of it.
- You suffer Disadvantage on attack rolls
- You suffer a -4 penalty to Saving Throws (except on Saving Throws made versus a Fear effect).
- You may use powers or other abilities that will allow you to move faster, but you are not required to.
- If you are cornered by the object of fear, and cannot leave by any safe means, you may take other actions.
Note: Any abilities that remove Terror also remove the Frightened condition.
Mob Monsters
The monster is filled with fear and flees the battle (if it can), never to return.