
Your body is suffering from a lack of nutrition and you are starting to feel a deep hunger. When you suffer Hunger, increase your level of Hunger by the amount specified. The effects of Hunger are given in the following table:

Effects of Hunger
1-2You feel hungry. Checks made to heal Injuries, Diseases, and other maladies are made with a -2 penalty.
3-4You are Weakened. Checks made to heal Injuries, Diseases, and other maladies are made with a -5 penalty.
5-6Your Maximum Stamina, Resolve, and Hitpoints are reduced by 50%. Natural Regeneration does not work. Checks made to heal Injuries, Diseases, and other maladies are made with a -10 penalty.
7+ Death by starvation
Animals and similarly primitive creatures may become more aggressive.

Special: Creatures that do not need to eat are immune to Hunger.

Ongoing Hunger

Ongoing Hunger effects work the same way as Ongoing Damage, with hunger occurring immediately if the initial save is failed.

Removing Hunger

Hunger may be restored by eating a meal. Different meals restore different amounts of hunger, and some magical effects can restore even more.

Restoring Hunger
Typical MealsHunger Restored
Food Ration1 point
Poor Meal1 point
Common Meal2 points
Good Meal3 points

See Food and Water for more information.