
The effects of Diseases are based on your current level of Pestilence. Whenever you suffer Pestilence, increase your current level of Pestilence by the amount specified. You can only gain Pestilence while you have a disease. If you don't have any diseases, then your current level of Pestilence is 0. Pestilence does not have any effects on its own, but it does determine the detrimental effects of all diseases you have contracted. The effects of Pestilence and Disease usually only change after a long rest (though some abilities can cause immediate onset, which changes the effects immediately).

Multiple Diseases

If you have multiple diseases, your Pestilence level applies to all diseases simultaneously (Do not track Pestilence separately for each disease).

Ongoing Pestilence

Ongoing Pestilence effects work the same way as Ongoing Damage, with pestilence occurring immediately if the initial save is failed.

Healing Pestilence

In addition to the effects of certain magical abilities, Pestilence can be healed (or made worse) by resting. See Diseases for more information.