Fundamentals:Primary and Secondary Philosophies
Primary Philosophies
The primary philosophy of a character is the source of that character's power. A cleric's power is derived from a higher power and therefore the cleric's primary philosophy is the divine philosophy. This philosophy changes for each character class.
In addition to the primary philosophy gained from the character's class they also can have two other primary philosophies of physical and mental as long as they have at least one rank in these philosophies. The Physical philosophy is based in the the three major attributes of strength, dexterity, and constitution. This philosophy allow characters to grapple with another character or to leap tall objects in a single bound. The mental philosophy is based in the attribute of intelligence, wisdom and charisma. This philosophy allow characters to aim better, sense magic and the like.
Secondary Philosophies
Secondary philosophies can be obtained by characters through the feat dabbler or by some magical means. The secondary philosophy of a character allows the character to use powers that are not normally accessible via the character's class. For example, a rogue who takes the dabbler feat and chooses a philosophy of divine can cast healing powers if they meet the requirement of these powers. Be mindful that when using a secondary philosophy the powers cost more to use. See Philosophies and Discipline Training for the cost associated with this use.