Ranged Attack

A Ranged Attack is made whenever you are throwing something or shooting at a creature. The ranged attack is used when you throw a vial, potion or rock and when using a Ranged Weapon (see Weapon Attacks below). The Ranged Attack is dependent on a combination of Dexterity Accuracy (DexA), ranged Combat Training and the Level modifier (LVLM). Calculate your character's Ranged Attack with the following equation:

Ranged Attack = DexA + Ranged Combat Training + LVLM + Bonuses

Ranged Weapon Attack

If you are using a Ranged Weapon, calculate your Ranged Weapon Attack by adding your weapon's precision into the Ranged Attack Calculation. If you are using a weapon with the Heavy Thrown property, use your Strength Accuracy (StrA) instead of Dexterity.

Ranged Weapon Attack = Weapon Precision + DexA (StrA for Heavy Thrown Weapons) + Range Combat Training + LVLM + Miscellaneous Bonuses