Trip Wire
Trip Wire
Trap [Rank 2]
Description: A fine line is placed across an opening. When the line is disturbed a bolt is released from a hidden crossbow.
Awareness DC: 20
Spot DC: 15
Detecting the Trap: You notice a faint reflection of light off of a thin stand near the ground.of a fine fishline filament on the ground.
Investigate DC: 10
Investigating the Area: A thin fishline filament is stretched across the path.
Disarm DC: 5
Disarming the Trap: A fine blade and a delicate hand can cut the wire and disarm the trap. Alternatively, the trap is automatically bypassed by stepping or jumping over the wire or if bolt is removed from the crossbow.
Failure: Failing the Disarm DC by 6 or more triggers the trap. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Triggering the Trap: If the wire is disturbed without being disarmed, the trap is sprung. without being cut the wire will pull the trigger on the crossbow and a bolt will be fired.
Effect: There is a faint pull at the triggering creature's ankle, followed by the sound of a sharp twang as a crossbow fires. Make an attack:
Target: Creature or object disturbing the line
Attack: +7 vs. AC
Hit: The target takes 1d8+5 damage.
Variations: The bolt may additionally be coated with any contact or wound Poison of choice.