Weapon Damage

Weapon Damage consists of a die roll and a flat damage bonus. The size of the die roll is determined by the weapon's Damage Dice, with the number of dice rolled determined by the Power utilized to make the attack and the Rank of the creature.

The flat damage consists of either the Strength Power (StrP) or Dexterity Power (DexP), adjusted by the weapon's Damage Multiplier. Just as with Weapon Attack Bonuses, Melee Weapon Damage utilizes Strength Power and Ranged Weapon Damage utilizes Dexterity Power (except for weapons with the Heavy Thrown property, which use Strength Power). Any miscellaneous bonuses are also adjusted by the damage multiplier. Calculate the Weapon Damage Bonus for each weapon using the following equation:

Melee Weapon Damage Bonus = [StrP + Miscellaneous Bonuses] x Weapon Damage Multiplier
Ranged Weapon Damage Bonus = [DexP (StrP for Heavy Thrown weapons) + Miscellaneous Bonuses] x Weapon Damage Multiplier