Yellow Mold

Yellow Mold is a yellowish fungus that grows in damp, dark environments. When touched, the yellow mold releases a spore cloud that affects creatures in a Aura (5ft) around it, which persists for 2d6 rounds. For each round a creature is within the Spore Cloud, it is subject to an attack: +13 vs Fortitude. On a hit, the creature is Marked for Death [SE, ST 5d10 vs CON]. If the target does not save within 20 segments, the target dies.

If the Yellow Mold is exposed to direct sunlight, it goes dormant until darkness returns for at least 24 hours. Yellow Mold is particularly flammable, and when exposed to direct flame will ignite readily and burn away the entire colony within minutes, leaving nothing but noxious (but harmless) fumes behind.