Haunted Dreams

Haunted Dreams
Severe Injury, DC 15 [Mental]
Divine energy causes your dreams to transform into vivid and distressing visions of past misdeeds and moral failings. Even when you manage to fall asleep, the dreams jolt you awake frequently, making the supposed rest time more like a series of fitful naps. As a result, fatigue gradually seeps into your waking hours, hampering your ability to function at full capacity.
Initial Effects
  • 2 Morale Damage
  • 2d4 Resolve Damage (Burn)
Persistent Effects
☐☐☐ Severe: Increase all Short Rest burn costs by 1. 50% chance to not benefit from a Long Rest and be Tired
☐☐☐ Moderate: 25% chance to not benefit from a Long Rest and be Tired