Loranbee Stoneshucker (Fighter)
The daughter of a proud Dwarven Commander deep within the mountains, Loranbee grew up to be a strong, sturdy Shield Maiden, not to mention Craftswoman, in the true tradition of the Stoneshucker Clan. Unlike most youths, however, she longed to share her strength with the world at large, and it just so happens she actually shares a bloodline with one Poglio Blusterbeard, a beloved second uncle thrice removed on her great grandfather’s side. In Dwarf society, that’s the same as immediate family. When she began her adventuring career she sought him out for adventuring advice, but much to her surprise, he practically demanded she join the Champions of Radiance.
Tactics: Loranbee is the quintessential Dwarven Warrior. Her first priority is always to seek out the most dangerous enemy and draw its attention away from her weaker allies. She is especially adept at getting in the way of attacks and absorbing raw physical damage. She is a front-line fighter who knows how to take the big hits.