Earth Sphere

Earth Sphere
Within the Earth Sphere is the divine power to command earth creatures and become connected with the earth itself, taking on many of its qualities. With greater power, a Cleric can even sense the presence of nearby creatures that touch the land.
Mastered Prayers: You master Prayer of Earth and Magic Stone.
Additional Benefit: Gain Primal as a bonus language.
Prayer of Earth
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Divine Prayer
Focus Action [FT 1 moment]
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: You commune with the rock and stone in the area, learning what the stones have seen and experienced. While you focus, you gain impressions of what has occurred in the last 24 hours. If your Focus is interrupted, your impressions are interrupted prematurely (GM's discretion).
First Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 4
Effect: Your divine essence fortifies your body with earthen weight. Reduce the movement of any Push effect by 5ft.
Second Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 6
Effect: Your spiritual connection to the earth grows deeply. You can issue a command to any creature with the Earth keyword, as per the Command prayer, even if you do not meet the prerequisites to utilize the prayer.
Third Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 8
Effect: Your connection the the ground beneath your feet borders on the supernatural. You gain Tremorsense out to a distance of 10ft.