Power:Menacing Twist
Menacing Twist
Magic Resistance: No
Fatetwister Class Feature
Interruptive Action
Potency: [1d8 + Eldritch Rank]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Trigger: A creature other than you begins to make a roll that you can influence (see below).
Range: 30 ft.
Target: Creature making the roll.
Effect: Choose one of the following effects based on the roll you are influencing:
- Attack Roll: The target suffers a -2 penalty to the attack roll. Your Twist Score decreases by 1.
- Skill Check: The target suffers a -4 penalty to the skill check. Your Twist Score decreases by 1.
- Saving Throw: The target suffers a -4 penalty to the saving throw [STP 4]. Your Twist Score decreases by 1.
Master Augment, Greater Menacing Twist
[Fatetwister II, Eldritch Rank 6]
Cost: 2 Resolve
Effect: Instead of the above, choose one of the following effects based on the roll you are influencing:
- Attack Roll: The target rolls the attack roll twice and takes the worst result. Your Twist Score decreases by 3.
- Skill Check: The target rolls the skill check twice and takes the worst result. Your Twist Score decreases by 3.
- Saving Throw: The target rolls the saving throw twice and takes the worst result. Your Twist Score decreases by 3.
Master Augment, Baleful Twist
[Fatetwister III, Eldritch Rank 7]
Cost: 4 Resolve
Effect: Instead of the above, choose one of the following effects based on the roll you are influencing:
- Attack Roll: The target rolls the attack roll twice and takes the worst result and suffers a -3 penalty to both rolls. Your Twist Score decreases by 5.
- Skill Check: The target rolls the attack roll twice and takes the worst result and suffers a -6 penalty to both rolls. Your Twist Score decreases by 5.
- Saving Throw: The target rolls the saving throw twice and take the worst result and suffers a -4 penalty to the saving throw [STP 4] on both rolls. Your Twist Score decreases by 5.