Bind Familiar

Bind Familiar
Ritual Rank 3 [Binding]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 1
Potency: 15
Components: Incense [common 10gp], small trinkets and other offerings [varies, 100gp]
Cost: 1 Stamina Loss and 1 Resolve Loss
Cast Time: 1 Hour
Effect: You spend an hour in deep meditation, communing with the magic of the universe and asking it to provide you with a companion spirit. At the end of your meditation, you utter a brief incantation. If the fates approve of your offering, it disappears and is replaced by an animal familiar (either random or selected based on the offerings, GM discretion). If you accept the familiar (and it accepts you), it becomes forever bound to you, using a tiny fraction of your life force to fuel its own. This ritual can bind any familiar from the Standard List.

Binding a familiar grants you select special bonuses and abilities (determined by the type of familiar) and you gain a +2 bonus to Awareness while your familiar is present and conscious. See Familiars for more rules and details on how they function.