Continual Flame

Continual Flame
Ritual Rank 2
Prerequisites: Divine, Eldritch, or Elemental Rank 2
Potency: 10
Components: A pinch of Ruby Dust [Common, Value: 25 gp]
Cost: 1 Stamina Burn
Prep Time: 1 moment
Cast Time: 10 segments
Duration: Permanent or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: Touch
Target: One object touched
Effect: You set the object alight with a magical orange flame that burns with the same light as a torch, shining bright light for 25 ft. The object suffers no damage from this effect as the flame produces no heat and requires no oxygen or other fuel to stay alight. Likewise, the flame cannot be used to light other objects or catch objects on fire. The light can be covered or hidden, but cannot be quenched by non-magical means.