Control Water
Control Water
Ritual Rank 5
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 5 or Eldritch Rank 7
Potency: 25
Focus: Staff carved from a Mangrove tree [Uncommon, Value: 15gp]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: 2 phases per Ritual Casting Rank or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 500 ft
Area of Effect: A surface area of water equal to 400 square feet per Ritual Casting Rank
Effect: Your brief incantation causes an area of water to raise or lower at your command. Lowering water causes a depression with sides up to 8 ft per Ritual Casting Rank in height. Creatures and objects on the surface of the water in the area are similarly lowered, and may be swept under when the sides collapse at this ritual's end. Raising water similarly causes a pillar or bulge of water with sides up to 8 ft per Ritual Casting Rank in height. If a shore-line exists within the area, water will spill over onto the dry land (but remain contained within the area).