Minor Creation
Minor Creation
Ritual Rank 4
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 4, Conjuration Discipline
Potency: 20
Cost: Allocate 1 Stamina and 1 Resolve per 20 gp value of the created item.
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: Until Dismissed, Dispelled, or Disrupted
Effect: You pull your magical essence to a point, creating an object out of thin air.
- You create a mundane object with a maximum value of 100 gp and a maximum size of 2 cubic feet.
- Its complexity is appropriate to the work of an apprentice level craftsman (or less).
- The object is indistinguishable from a real object, except that it emanates an Eldritch Aura (Weak Conjuration).
- Since items created in this way are not real and only composed of your magical essence, it cannot be used as a component for powers or rituals (though it may be used as a focus).
This item will last until it is dismissed, dispelled, or until you no longer allocate energy to the item. The amount of energy that you need to allocate is dependent on the value of the item, requiring 1 Stamina and 1 Resolve allocated for each 20 gp the item is worth.