Enlarge Item

Enlarge Item
Ritual Rank 2
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 2
Potency: 10
Components: a bellows, an animal bladder, and a drop of Magic Essence [Rare, Value: 20gp]
Focus: Item to be Enlarged
Cost: 2 Resolve Allocation
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: 24 hours per Eldritch Rank or until dismissed, dispelled, or disrupted.
Range: Touch
Target: One non-magical object up to 2 cu. ft. per Eldritch Rank
Effect: Using the bellows, you blow up the animal bladder (which was christened with a drop of magic essence) while uttering the incantation, causing the item to increase in size proportionate to the bladder. You may enlarge the item up to one Size Category. You can dismiss the Ritual effects at any time by speaking a command word determined at the completion of the ritual.