False Image

False Image
Ritual Rank 6 [Figment]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 6, Advanced Image Spell
Potency: 30
Components: Ground Jade [Value: 250 gp]
Focus: A small looking glass held within a silver frame and etched with magical runes [Value: 500gp]
Cost: 2 Resolve Allocation
Prep Time: 1 phase
Cast Time: 1 phase
Duration: Until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Area of Effect: 80 ft diameter area
Effect: You sprinkle jade dust within the area and then begin to chant while holding the looking glass. You begin to chant, while holding an image in your mind of the illusion you wish outsiders to see. At the ritual's completion, you may see your image within the looking glass, and while concentrating, can make changes to it.

While the ritual remains active, any ability with the Scry keyword used to view the area, or an object or creature within the area, will detect the illusion you have created, instead of truly viewing the location.