Helping Hand

Helping Hand
Ritual Rank 4
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 3
Potency: 20
Focus: Divine Focus
Cost: 2 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: 1 hr per Divine Rank or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 5 miles
Effect: Your brief prayer brings into being a tiny, ghostly servant that will search out a creature of your choosing. The ritual creates a spectral hand which you may send in search of a creature you describe. The hand searches for the creature within the range of this power; the amount of time it takes depends on the distance the creature is from the location where the prayer is cast (see below).

When the hand locates a subject that matches the description given, it beckons the creature to follow. If the creature follows, the hand will lead it back to your location (duration of the spell permitting) along the most direct accessible route. If the hand does not locate a creature matching the description within the range of this prayer, it returns to you, displaying an outstretched palm (as if shrugging invisible shoulders) and disappears.

The hand is invisible to all except you and the creature matching your description. It cannot move through solid objects, but can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 inch square.

DistanceTime to Locate
100 ft or less1 round
1000 ft1 moment
1 mile1 phase
2 miles3 phases
3 miles1 hour
4 miles2 hours
5 miles3 hours