Lore of Ages

Lore of Ages
Ritual Rank 8 [Omen]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 7
Potency: 40
Components: Soil from an ancient civilization [Uncommon, Value: 100 gp)
Cost: 2 Resolve Allocation for each day the ritual is conducted. Regained after an extended rest.
Prep Time: 30 minutes every day for 1d10 days
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effect: With detailed information about a location, object, or person of legend, you stand in a place somehow connected with the legend (either a location touched by the legend or a library where more information is supposed to be held). You spend 30 minutes every day attuning yourself to the area. After 1d10 days of daily meditation, you put yourself into a trance lasting about 1 hour, that allows you to sort the information you've gathered. At the end of the trance you will have information to lead you to the specific location, object, or person of legend.