Mirage Arcana

Mirage Arcana
Ritual Rank 7 [Figment]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 6, Image Spell
Potency: 35
Components: Jade Dust [Uncommon, Value: 300 gp] and a bit of any materials present in the mirage.
Focus: A small looking glass, held within a silver frame, and etched with magical runes [Rare, Value: 500gp]
Cost: 3 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 phase
Duration: 4 hours per Eldritch Rank or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Area of Effect: Four 20 foot cubes per Eldritch Rank
Effect: You sprinkle the Jade Dust throughout the area, then begin to chant, while maintaining an image in your mind of the illusion you wish to create. While holding the looking glass in one hand, you pick up each of the other components in turn (which can include stone, metal, vegetation, water, etc) with the other, envisioning how each material will contribute to your illusion. At the completion of the ritual, you've created an illusion that takes over an area, masking the area's actual appearance.

You cause the area to look, sound, and smell as you desire. You may remove (i.e. cause to disappear or make invisible), change or add structures, items, and the natural landscape as you see fit. You cannot remove or change the appearance of creatures within the area (nor add creatures), but they can hide within the illusion as if it were real.