Move Earth

Move Earth
Ritual Rank 7
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 7
Potency: 35
Focus: An iron blade [Common, Value: 10 gp] and a small area of dirt to use as a model.
Cost: 1 Stamina Burn
Cast Time: 1 phase
Range: 500 ft
Area of Effect: Up to Ten shapable 10ft-cubes of dirt (10,000 cubic feet) within range. The cubes do not need to be contiguous.
Effect: You focus the energies of the universe to move the very earth according to your whim. You can move dirt, clay, loam, or sand, but not solid stone. After creating a small scale model of the area, you mimic the desired movement of the earth with your small iron blade. Your words bind the model and real world together, and you shape the earth as you please.

You may create hills, trenches, or holes with the Move Earth ritual, but tunnels created this way are unstable and collapse shortly after they are formed. The movement of the earth is slow, as the dirt moves in an undulating, wave-like motion. Objects on the surface of the earth that you move (i.e. structures, trees, or rock formations) are unharmed, and simply change in elevation as dirt is moved beneath them.