Purify Food and Drink

Purify Food and Drink
Ritual Rank 1 [Restorative]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 1
Potency: 5
Components: A drop of pure water
Cost: 1 Stamina Burn and 1 Resolve Burn
Prep Time: 1 phase
Cast Time: 1 moment
Range: 5ft.
Target: 1 cubic foot per Ritual Casting Rank of food and drink within range (1 cu ft = Approx. 8 Gallons of liquid).
Effect: You beseech your deity to change food or drink that is spoiled, rotten, poisoned, diseased, or contaminated into food that is safe to eat. In an instant the food is returned to its original, edible condition. This does not prevent the food from otherwise rotting or spoiling naturally. Objects of a magical nature are unaffected by this ritual.