Scouting Eyes

Scouting Eyes
Ritual Rank 7
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 5
Potency: 35
Components: A handful of crystal marbles [Value: 1 gp].
Cost: 2 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: 1 hour per Ritual Casting Rank or until dismissed, dispelled, or disrupted.
Range: 1 mile
Effect: You transform a number of marbles [2 x Ritual Casting Rank] into magical orbs of detection, called "eyes". Upon completion of the ritual, give the eyes instruction on where to scout within range (up to 25 words). Each eye moves independently and can be directed individually. If an eye travels beyond the range of this ritual, the eye becomes immediately inactive and disappears. An eye must return to you in order to report its findings.
  • The eyes Fly at a rate of 30 ft per 3 segments, and are not affected by wind, rain, or similar environmental conditions.
  • The eyes see with normal vision, in all directions, but are subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other obstructions that would affect visual information.
  • An eye has an Awareness equal to [2 x Eldritch Rank + WISM].
  • The eyes can be dispelled or destroyed if they suffer any damage (1 hp or more).
  • An eye has defenses equal to 15 (though it cannot be targeted by Will attacks) and has a +20 to Stealth checks due to its size.

The eyes take a minute to convey the information gathered once they have returned to you.