Secret Chest

Secret Chest
Ritual Rank 6 [Portative]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 4
Potency: 30
Focus: One masterwork oak chest with platinum reinforcements engraved with magical runes and a tiny, exact replica. [Rare, Value: 5,000 gp]
Cost: 2 Resolve Allocation
Cast Time: 1 phase
Duration: Until Dismissed or Dispelled to a maximum of 5 days per Ritual Casting Rank
Target: Chest with up to 6 cubic feet of goods.
Effect: As you speak the incantation, the runes upon the chest glow with a brilliant blue light. When the ritual completes, a bright light flashes as the chest disappears, thrust into a small pocket dimension within which it may be kept safe. Once the chest has entered the pocket dimension, it may only be recalled by focusing upon the replica, as a Focus Action [FT 1, REC 3]. If the replica is lost or destroyed, the chest cannot be recalled. Once the chest is recalled, the ritual ends.

Living creatures within the chest will continue to age and require food and water as they do on the material plane. Additionally, air within the chest is limited, and creatures within the chest will Suffocate in hours to days (depending on the size of the creature).