Shadow Walk
Shadow Walk
Ritual Rank 7 [Portative]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 6
Potency: 35
Components: Essence of Shadow [Rare, Value: 250 gp]
Focus: An area of shadow
Cost: 1 Stamina Burn per Target
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: 2 hours per Ritual Casting Rank or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Target: Yourself and up to 1 additional willing creature per Ritual Casting Rank
Effect: While standing within an area of shadow, you release the Essence, which swirls around you and the other targets, whose hands are joined with yours. As you speak the incantation, the shadows cling to you and pull you into the shadow realm.
While in the Plane of Shadow, you travel at a rate of 50 miles per hour compared to the Material Plane. It is almost impossible to accurately determine the distance traveled, but you can gain a rough estimate based on the time you've spent traveling. When you wish to re-enter the material plane, you are able to do so within approximately [1d10 x 100] feet from your desired destination.