Tiny Hut

Tiny Hut
Ritual Rank 4
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 3
Potency: 20
Focus: A miniature clay hut formed around a ruby [Rare, Value: 500gp]
Cost: 3 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 phase
Duration: 2 hours per Ritual Casting Rank or until dismissed, dispelled, or disrupted.
Area of Effect: 20 ft diameter hut around you.
Effect: You create a simple, single-roomed, 20ft diameter hut of mud and clay around you. The hut has a single arched entrance and up to 10 medium sized creatures can fit within the structure. Those whom you designate when you complete the ritual may pass in and out of the hut uninhibited, but all others are unable to pass through the entry way. The walls of the structure can be illuminated dimly or can be extinguished at your will. The hut maintains a comfortable temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and protects from other environmental conditions, such as wind, rain, sand, and sun.

The hut can be attacked as normal and has a Durability score of 15. Damaging environments, such as extreme heat or cold, high winds, acidic fogs, earthquakes, etc. damage the hut normally.

If you completely leave the hut, the structure vanishes and this ritual ends.