Consumption Bearer

You are afflicted with the Wasting Whisper, also known as Tuberculosis, which has stealthily set upon your lungs. The disease is slowly eating away at your breath, marked by an ominous cough that seems to emanate from the very depths of your being.

This disease is a long-term adversary. It doesn't strike you down swiftly, instead, it's a creeping specter, stalking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment. Its effects can span many months, even years, and ultimately, it promises a slow but inexorable march towards death. The exact time-frame remains uncertain and is left to the discretion of the GM.

But in the shadow of this affliction, a resolve is forged. Your limited time only makes you more determined. Each cough, each struggle for breath, is a reminder of the fragility and value of life. It instills in you an unwavering urgency to fulfill your goals and make each moment count before the Wasting Whisper claims its due.

  • Benefit: You have limited time, and you know it. It makes you more bold. You gain a +1 Trait Bonus to Morale and you gain a +4 Trait Bonus to Bravery. You loose this benefit if you ever have access to a cure (GM's Discretion, but having access to magic that can remove this trait would certainly count).
  • Drawback: You are frail and your cough interrupts you at inopportune moments. You have a -2 Penalty to Resilience. Additionally, whenever you roll a 1 on a d20, you are struck with a coughing fit that delays you 2d4 segments. You are slightly contagious and any creature that takes an extended rest while in a small (20ft) enclosed space with you is exposed to Tuberculosis (1 Pestilence, Exposure DC 5)