Fiend Fever

Fiend Fever
Magical Disease
DC: 16
Pestilence: 0
You purge the disease from your body.
Effect: You are cured.
Pestilence: 1 - 2
You have a flaring fever and intense chills.
Effect: Tired, Weakened
Pestilence: 3 - 4
You become increasingly weaker and your stamina is drained away.
Effect: Tired, Weakened, Take 1 point of Stamina Damage (Drain) at the end of every extended rest. If your Stamina is drained to 0 or less, your die.
Pestilence: 5 - 6
With terrible weakness in your bones, your stamina is drained away even faster.
Effect: Tired, Weakened, Take 1d4 points of Stamina Damage (Drain) at the end of every extended rest. If your Stamina is drained to 0 or less, your die.
Pestilence: 7+
The fever is intense as your stamina is drained into the bowls of the Hells.
Effect: Exhausted, Weakened, Take 2d4 points of Stamina Damage (Drain) at the end of every extended rest. If your Stamina is drained to 0 or less, your die.
"I've seen many a stout warrior wither under the grip of Fiend Fever. It's a fate worse than death itself, for it does not just claim your life; it drains your vitality drip by dreadful drip, leaving you a mere shell of your former self. Only the most potent of healing can restore you to your former glory, but alas, such magic is scarce and precious."
——Elder Morwen, Cleric of the Healing Hand


Fiend Fever, as the name suggests, is a monstrous ailment as dreaded as the infernal creatures from which it originates. A virulent plague of diabolical origin, it is an insidious agent of corruption and decay. Its advent is marked by a blistering fever that leaves its victims bedridden in torment. However, the fever is merely a harbinger of a much darker affliction that gnaws relentlessly at the very core of the victim's vitality. The plague then proceeds to leech away the afflicted's stamina in a persistent, supernatural drain that defies ordinary healing. Until treated by potent restorative magics, the infected are left weakened, gradually eroding under the disease's relentless onslaught until their eventual demise.

Typical Exposure

The onset of Fiend Fever is the result of unfortunate contact with the saliva or dander of Hellspawn. Such contamination usually happens when a person's open wounds meet these devilish residues. As the cursed fluid or dust finds its way into the bloodstream, the insidious affliction takes root. Hellspawn are not the only carriers of this fiendish disease, as it has been known to lurk in areas of demonic activity, sullying weaponry and even the very air with its malign presence.