Orange Alchemy Solution is an opaque viscous gel of iridescent orange. It tends to foam rapidly when exposed to air, growing to ten times its own volume. It is also very sticky and can be used as a glue. It has a distinct yeasty odor similar to ale that has spoiled. It has foundational uses in Alchemy, and is often combined with other reagents.
Special Actions
Throw Flask
Standard Action [REC 6]
Effect: You throw the flask at an opponent. Make an attack:
Range: 30ft
Ranged Attack: Ranged vs. Reflex
Hit: The flask smashes into the target, coating it with solution. The sticky foam hampers motion, and the target grants an Advantage [SE 3d10 vs Dex].
Ingredients: Egg Yolk, Resin, Gypsum, Borax, Gold flake, Fresh Slug, and three drops of Magic Essence (Rare, 60gp).