
A Dagger is a weaponized version of the knife. The blade typically has a double edge ending in a long point protruding from a small cross-guard. These blades can range anywhere from 3 inches to just over a foot in length for larger daggers. Daggers are also seen commonly as offhand weapons and defensive blocking tools to be used in conjunction with a longer weapon. Lastly, daggers make excellent throwing weapons, being small, light and easily concealable.

  • Group: Blade
  • Sub-group: Dagger
NameRankSpd.Prec.Dmg. DiceDmg. Mult.ArN
Base Crit. Chance
Crit. Dmg. per Phys Rank
PropertiesSub-GroupDmg. TypeCostWt.Rarity
Dagger1621d4100%2Light Thrown (15ft)DaggerS, P7 sp1 lbCommon