
A Halberd is one of the earlier versions of a polearm, having a much longer haft than most axes. The blade of the weapon is a large, one-sided axe topped with a long spear blade, meant for both chopping and piercing at a distance. These weapons are often used to attack mounted and heavily armored targets.

  • Group: Axe
  • Subgroup: Polearm
NameRankSpd.Prec.Dmg. DiceDmg. Mult.ArN
Base Crit. Chance
Crit. Dmg. per Phys Rank
PropertiesSub-GroupDmg. TypeCostWt.Rarity
Halberd (Swing)31021d122315%4Reach (+5 ft), VersatilePolearmC, P38 sp14 lbCommon
Halberd (Thrust)3821d6225%3Reach (+5 ft), VersatilePolearmC, P38 sp14 lbCommon